Listening to MPR's Midmorning this morning, I was excited to hear a program about a website called GoodGuide. It is precisely what I've been looking for (although I couldn't have told you this was what I wanted...)
I feel it's important to have good, healthy meals/snacks/cleaning products/everything else we use day to day, and have been trying to focus my shopping to reflect that (not always successful, but hey, we'll get there.) I have always been frustrated by how daunting it is to actually find out what goes into products, where the ingredients come from and whether the claims are accurate. For example, claims of "natural" are not regulated and don't really mean anything. Organic is much better and does have requirements, but there are different percentages of "Organicness" (technical term there) and many issues that can slip through those cracks as well. How does your average Anna-trying-to-shop-with-kids-in-the-cart know what is good, better or best?
And, now I have my answer!
It started as a university research project, and although it is no longer affiliated with a school, it is not supported by any companies who would get preferential treatment in return, or any other such thing. It gives good, easy to understand ratings based on hundreds of factors, and you can see how it does in the category most important to you (health, environment, etc.)
For me, the biggest thing is decreasing the amount of sugar/high fructose corn syrup/additive-preservative junk in foods I buy. And cleaning products. I hate cleaning products. I don't buy them. They don't make me feel clean, they make me feel high. Poo. Bring on the baking soda and vinegar. And the elbow grease.
Check it out. I've already been surprised by a few products I buy! And maybe I'll find a few cleaning products I like. My elbow grease tends to run out.
They even have plans to make a deal where you'll be able to use a cell phone, scan the bar code of the product you're looking at and it will give you the details. Nifty, eh?
That might even convince me to get a cell phone!
That sounds like an awesome site. I can't wait to check it out more when I get a chance!
~ Jennifer
I try to be as organic and 'green' as possible, but like you said, it's not always that easy. I've found that 7th Generation is a good brand for cleansers, by the way. 100% biodegradable because they are made from vegetable products and they smell really good too! I have heard that the dishsoap is not the best but I love the all-purpose cleaner and shower cleanser. I've also been looking into using essential oils as cleansers too. Lemon and Thieves oils are very good for cleansing and smell awesome!
I have been trying to stay away from HFCS as much as possible.
Jess having celiacs makes it easier to stay away from premade things when eating with her.
That website looks really interesting and I will have to use it in the future.
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