Sunday, January 30, 2011


Oliver, Elsa and I went sledding on Saturday. At Poop hill.

Oliver: "Poop hill?? It's not a poop hill!"
Me: "No, but that's what they call it."
O: "But it can't be very big, if it's just a pile of poop!"
Good point. Good thing it's not just a pile of poop...
Anyhow. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we all had a blast. My MIL came along for a little while and snapped a few hundred pictures. (For real. She has a happy shutter finger.) Turned out a few great action shots...

Oliver only had a fit the first time he got a whitewash...he was able to laugh it off after that.

They even let me hitch a ride a few times. But only a few.

Howie hung out at Grammie Great's; we got back and enjoyed a toasty cup of hot-chocolate...even with marshmallows!


I never did post on here, Eric's grandfather died peacefully early last Monday after a long, long process/battle. We had a family graveside burial on Tuesday. His aunt and uncle are leaving for Montana tomorrow, and Grammie Great will began to adjust to life alone...she spent the last 23 years taking care of Grandpa. Here's to (as the kids call them) Grammie and Grandpie Great.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Keeping the zen.

Last night the kids and I cleaned and rearranged the living room. I do this every now and then; come up with what I call "the newest best"arrangement. It keeps things fresh and makes living in 700 or so square feet at least a little more manageable.

So going to bed, the living room was clean and relaxing. Zen-like, you could say.

As I sit here, sipping my coffee, I'm trying to keep the Zen.

There's now a "house" behind the rocker.

The puzzles have been emptied from their drawer to make a baby bed. Of course, the puzzles no longer contain their pieces.

The pile of throws is unfolded to make a roof for the house...

Zen. Working on keeping the zen.

At least there's yummy pot roast in the oven for lunch.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

That clears it up.


I've just been informed by my world-traveling brother that my blog is blocked in China.

That's good to know.

Now I can stop wondering where the massive Chinese audience I've been waiting for hasn't found me.

After all, reading about the rocking good times here amongst the sawdust just might start a civilian revolt.

Or something like that.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

And so.

And so a new year is upon us. With style. (This kid's got style. JD style. For the past week.)

Snow started falling sometime Thursday and didn't really stop until today...or something along those lines.

You'll have to excuse me and my memory, I've been cooped up for days on end. With three kids and an ornery gallbladder and g.b. flush regimen. All I know is this: Outside=big snow.

(Please excuse the non-edited red-eye photos. I have to find a new editing program. Any suggestions?)

And this:
1) Eating no fat for a week is boring.
2) 1/2 cup plain lemon juice down the hatch will pucker you up.
3)Not looking forward to the 1/2 cup of Olive oil tonight.

We'll see what the outcome is. Hopefully success.

Because I want to eat something good and juicy and fatty.Elsa's checking out how she measures up to the BIG present. It turned out to be hers.
Oliver was only a little disappointed.

Looking back to Christmas, I did succeed in getting in the spirit at the last minute and enjoyed the crazy busyness of those few days. The kids were well spoiled. Really, Santa could've skipped our house, they made out like bandits elsewhere. But, he came, they opened and all was enjoyed. I even managed to get a few Christmas cards done in time... the rest are *ahem* sitting on my counter. Getting in the way every time you want to use the microwave. Waiting for stamps.

We don't want to be to prompt or anything.

It's 8:08 on 1/1/11. The kids are sleeping. The dog is snoring. The hubby is at work. And I don't feel any large doses of ambition coming on. Think I'll curl up with a book.