Sunday, January 30, 2011


Oliver, Elsa and I went sledding on Saturday. At Poop hill.

Oliver: "Poop hill?? It's not a poop hill!"
Me: "No, but that's what they call it."
O: "But it can't be very big, if it's just a pile of poop!"
Good point. Good thing it's not just a pile of poop...
Anyhow. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we all had a blast. My MIL came along for a little while and snapped a few hundred pictures. (For real. She has a happy shutter finger.) Turned out a few great action shots...

Oliver only had a fit the first time he got a whitewash...he was able to laugh it off after that.

They even let me hitch a ride a few times. But only a few.

Howie hung out at Grammie Great's; we got back and enjoyed a toasty cup of hot-chocolate...even with marshmallows!


I never did post on here, Eric's grandfather died peacefully early last Monday after a long, long process/battle. We had a family graveside burial on Tuesday. His aunt and uncle are leaving for Montana tomorrow, and Grammie Great will began to adjust to life alone...she spent the last 23 years taking care of Grandpa. Here's to (as the kids call them) Grammie and Grandpie Great.


Jan said...

So sorry for your loss of Grandpie Great, though I know he battled, and it was a relief for him to go.

joan j said...

Hugs to your family. From what we talked about last time I was there, it's hard to say goodbye but so necessary sometimes. Thinking of you Ikes and E.
BTW, sledding looks like fun! :)

Pete/Heidi said...

So sorry for your loss. Hugs.

Also, great sledding pics... looks like the kids had a great day!