Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A gray, deary day...

With cousins over to play.

This usually makes me smile, as the group gets along pretty well. (Incidentally, these pictures are from our vacation, and have nothing to do with today...other than the pining I have for still being there. And, because my mind is stuck in today, I'll not get to sharing details of our adventures either. Some other day...)

But today....hoy-vay!

This one woke up bawling and utterly inconsolable...

This one forgot to take his brain with when he got out of bed...

Scenes like this are nonexsistant this morning.

I finally stuck on the rainboots and shuffled them all outside. A little steam needs to be burned off...and maybe I'll get a chance to finish a cup of coffee...


and to dream of these days.


Late addition:
After a few hours of threatening Oliver with removing his bedroom door if he didn't stop slamming it in his sister's face, timeouts X ???, and informing him that "I don't care if you don't want to play with Elsa, you will let her play... Give.Her.That.Toy.Back." the rest of the day went quite well, I would even hazard to call it fun:)


Jan said...

My kids were like that yesterday. I finally left for a trip to town by myself. Ahhhh. it was good.

Beth H said...

Sounds like a bug thats making its rounds. We had one of 'those' mornings over here too. Only thing is I don't whether it is the kiddos that caught it or me!

Cheryl said...

Must be something going around... we had to threaten no school, and that seemed to make a minor improvement. (little did dad know, it would've been an in-the-truck-with-dad day!)

joan j said...

Aahhhaaaa! That's great, I love that threat! If only I could find a sweet threat like that to use at bed time. :)

Anonymous said...

hey, i was checking out "mpls vacation rentals" and there were some homes available for rent MEA weekend. however, i'm not sure if they'd work capacity wise.
~ann b.