I just got those punks back to sleep.
A few minutes ago Oliver was bawling in his sleep (symptom of to much fun, not enough sleep today) and wouldn't stop.
So he woke up Elsa.
And kept bawling. He eventually became coherent enough to say "I want my cookies back."
I finally picked him up and took him to our room, where he promptly stopped bawling and fell back asleep...
but when I walked out with him, Elsa wasn't going to miss out on a late night treat and started bawling "I want cookies, too!!!"
Fortunately, she was easily convinced that the only cookies around here are imaginary...
that is something i can laugh at, since it didn't happen to me. since i'm laughing *with* you, i'll share one from our house yesterday....logan pooped his pullup and decided to clean himself before i caught him. so, i came downstairs to see him half-naked, with poop on his hands, on his legs, and a big ol poop stain on the carpet where he'd sat down, and poopy wipes surrounding his feet.
~ann b.
And now I can laugh with you. Bwhaha
Elsa pulled a similar one yesterday. She told me "potty!" and took off down the hall. Half way there, she started walking funny, and a turd fell out of her pants. (Fortunately, the hall is linoleum.) Ug.
Poop stories. Something that is inevitable with small children.
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