Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm back!

Only a few days late, but hope everyone had a great 4th weekend! The kids and I made a semi-impromptu (i.e. not for sure until I left...) trip to the UP for Thursday through Sunday. It was a lot of fun, two of my brothers, one girlfriend, two cousins and my mom and dad were at our family camp.

The traveling went well, (Jill I. came with me and was a HUGE help with the kids) but I have a new understanding of the annoyance of "are we there yet?" Oliver's version is "where are we going?" "is it a long way?" "are we drivin' an drivin'?" and "are we going to the camp/Michigan/Grandma Edie's?"

The lake was COLD. Those of us over the age of 10 didn't go in without a sauna to warm up in. At times, Elsa preferred the foot-rinse bucket.

But a towel and hug from Nanna does the warm-up trick as well!

I sure wasn't a slave to my camera, the share-worthy pictures are few.

Oliver got over his nerves from last year and enjoyed a good kayak ride with Granpa. You can't see it here, but he had to have a paddle himself and I hear that he was a lot of help.

We also enjoyed fireworks and a parade (I've gotta give those yoopers credit, they put a lot more effort into getting decked out for their parades than Minnesotans do!), late nights, sauna-swim, birthday cake (Oliver couldn't believe his MOM had a BIRTHDAY?!?!) and dinner out with grandma on Sunday.

Funny story there...As we sat at lunch, Grandma was going on about the great birthday deal the restaurant has; a person can get anything on the menu, desert, their beverage FREE. "Oooh, yeah, yeah, how nice" we said.

It was about 3 hours later it dawned on us that it was MY birthday that day. Ya know, it just kinda irks to pay for your free birthday lunch;)


Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

What a great getaway. I love the pic of Elsa in the bucket!!! Seriously, if I were having a bad day, that alone would brighten my WEEK. Love the pic of the kayak, too.

Sarah said...

Happy belated Birthday! After I talked to you on Sunday I realized it was your birthday. (Thanks to good old FB). But, still forgot about it when I saw you. Looks like you had a good time on your impromptu vacation! : ) I love the picture of Elsa in the foot bucket.

pisaacson said...

Oliver was very helpful with left turns. :)

joan j said...

Our call was short and sweet, but it was fun to talk to you for 3.7 seconds. :) I was missing MI so bad this weekend, it was ridiculous! Oh well, I survived and enjoyed the lake through you (a few days later)

Megan said...

We always go to the Waterfront or the Hut for our free dinners! I'm bummmed tha I will be downstate for mine next week. Oh well. :) Gld you had a good time!