Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm not a fan of this.

Work, I mean. (Although by my recent track record, it might seem blogging as well.) It's not that I'm not a fan of work, moreso the current schedule we're in the middle of right now. Starting yesterday, I work four days and an evening-which isn't so bad in itself...many people work five days every week, (it is more than I would like...)- What I'm not a fan of is the fact that I work days, and Eric works evenings all those days.

This means I haven't seen him since Thursday afternoon, and other than a kiss hello or goodbye when one or the other of us is sleeping, I won't see him until Monday morning. Harumph.

I'll stop whining now.

On the plus side, it also means the kids are at home/with us most of the day, with only a few hours when we both have to be gone. A definite plus.

Easter was good. Spring is here. The frogs are peeping in the swamp. (That's one of my favorite sounds of spring) Things are starting to turn green. I can just about taste those delicious garden goods. I love this time of year.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I can't imagine balancing a husband, kids, and work! Much respect...