Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Morning Chuckle

The scene: This morning. Our living room, Eric looking at Oliver's hair.

"Hey boy, you're getting kind of shaggy."
Oliver, surprised and indignant-like, runs his fingers over his cheeks and chin: No I'm not!

I think he'd be the first four year old to need a shave. Heh.


Another gray day in store. I could use some sunshine for drying the mountains of laundry I've been working on. And to get me out of this house and away from the munchies that seem to have consumed me.

But who am I to complain about a little grayness? This picture is from a year ago on a walk to our creek.

Compared to this one from the other day, short sleeves, no hats and mittens or snow-I think we're miles ahead on the nice weather thing, don't you?

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