We've been busy around here. Finally, I'm back to finish up with a few more SF pictures. Doesn't the boat above just look like its asking for you to take a row?

On Saturday, Andy, Katrina and I got a chance to tour the U.S.S. Pompanito, a WWII submarine. I like history, and really enjoyed it. I can't imagine spending months on end in such cramped quarters with so many people. Also, I can definitely see why the short guys ended up on subs!

Katrina's standing next to one of the doorways to provide a little perspective. This is not a place for the clumsy. You'd end up with a lot of bruises.

Every square inch is well used. Andy had to do a chin-up to get on this bunk. It's hanging from the ceiling, directly below it is torpedo storage. That would either make me nervous, or give me a very secure feeling...

As long as we're on history here-Monday Trina and I were set loose for a few hours before our flight while Andy went to work. We happened upon a wharf with 5 reconstructed ships that you could tour (for only $5! Total!) One was this awesome "Tall ship." It's very tall, and seems absolutely huge. But I can't imagine taking something like this across the ocean and around the point of South America to get to California. It sure wouldn't feel very big on the high seas. This particular ship was the most well reconstructed, and we were able to see most of the boat, complete with stories about the crew and trips it made. The others were more of a work in progress, but still fun to see. They included a tugboat, a ferry, and a much smaller tall ship.

The 'loo. Don't think much magazine reading took place on that comfy looking structure.
Another place we stopped at was a wonderful place called the
Musee Mechanique. It's basically a large pole building full of old arcade games and machines, from the very first moving pictures, (where you look in the viewing window, turn a crank and watch the lady dance (and maybe take her clothes off!,) big fight, or or other exciting movie) to the classic Pacman machine. Pretty much everything is a quarter, and for a few dollars, one can get a lot of great entertainment.

This picture is proof that I was doing sawmill research-the real point of my trip, after all...

Test your arm wrestling prowess. This guy was tough! (note Andy's two-handed form.)

And the ever wonderful fortune telling machines. According to this one I'm a "Fast worker" in the sex appeal category. Another told me I could look forward to a career as a dishwasher. I'm excited about that. Really.