Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trailer House Chronicals: Serenaded in the Shower

Living in a 1970's era trailer house has to be done with a sense of humor. I mean, what are two-inch thick walls, if not a good cause to laugh at the door jam that sticks out because it's made for those newfangled 4 inch stud walls? Glass windows? Pah. Half of ours are this fancy Plexiglas. Who wants to see outside clearly??

This morning we woke to the usual, and very enjoyable sound of birds singing outside. But there was one particular song that was unusually loud. Like it was right in the room with us.

It wasn't. It was the sound of a happy mama bird just on the other side of the plywood/shower wall. Tra-la-laing away, while building a nest in that two inch thick space. There originally was a small window looking into the shower which at some point was covered over on the inside. However, the window now has a hole in it, just the right size for a little bird to go through. Who can blame that little mother? A cozier place she'll never find, I'm sure.

So I started my day being serenaded in the shower by a happy mama bird.

How about you?

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Ha! I love this! Last week I was greeted with the same lovely sounds- it wasn't anything that a little duct tape couldn't solve though! I'm so glad that we can share in the joy of the 70's together!