Sunday, August 2, 2009

A camping we will go!

The kids and I are headed off to 'ladies camping' once the younger wakes from her nap. Unfortunately, we'll only be for one night, but it should be fun! That's Elsa enjoying the beautiful clear water of Long Lake last year on the same trip.

Here's hoping for no rain and temps above 50 through the night. I am prepared: everything from winter coats and long johns to swimsuits. That's MN camping for you, folks!


Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

What a cutie! Can I take photos of her again sometime?? :)
Ladies camping!! Sounds like a blast. That's why so many Minnesotans thrive in Alaska. (regarding your weather comment)

Lori said...

have fun camping! i'll cross my fingers that you have nice weather:)

Cheryl said...

At first I thought Elsa was Henry! We will definately have to go again next year! So glad you came!