I'm currently watching my daughter play with her new kitchen set, and trying to decide how I feel about my two year old daughter having more working counter space than I have. Humpf.
We had an early birthday party for Miss Elsa yesterday. I think we hit the jackpot with the Little Tykes kitchenette we gave her. The grin on her face was priceless, along with the whispered "ooo" and "yeah" and "nice" and other such awe-struck-little-girl noises. I hauled it in from the car after morning church today, she played with it until afternoon church, and now she's going on two hours straight. (To sweeten the deal, the set was $10, the pots, pans and bowls around $4 and the plastic food $1 all from thrifts and garage sales. One pot set at Target was more than that!)
Love hitting that sweet spot with gifts. It's fun to see her imagination come to life.
I would share pictures, but my camera is MIA. Now, off to enjoy the Sunday paper and these moments of quiet. Ta!
That is such an awesome idea! Every little girl's dream.
I'm slowly gathering thrifted items for my kids for Christmas this year. It gets pretty tricky, though, when they always come to the thrift with me! (But I've still been managing to sneak things here and there.)
~ Jennifer
Jen, you deserve some credit, the plastic food and two little enamel wear cups came from your garage sale:)
Haha! I found a couple more pieces for you (an egg and a tiny head of lettuce). As they surface, I'll pass them along! I just have to remember to toss them in the ol' bargain cruiser.
~ Jennifer
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