My kids, well, they're young. They're just getting to that remember from year to year what different holidays mean stage. So when I launched into a "Hey! Let's carve pumpkins!" announcement, it was met with "Uh, okay. Here we go again, she's lost it" looks.
Never fear. In a stroke of wisdom, I pulled out the new birthday book Elsa got from one of her Uncs (at least I think it was an Unc, the only clue was the address on the package, and we don't know anyone named Amazon.) and we read about Max the bunny and how he went Trick-or-treating with his little orange pumpkin pail. I explained how Oliver had dressed up as Robin Hood (he LOVED Robin Hood,) Elsa wore a cow hat, and they went trick-or-treating last year. Then I explained that trick-or-treating is essentially looking funny and begging for candy. And that another thing people do at Halloween is carve pumpkins.
After that, it went something like this:
"So, should we go carve pumpkins?"
Resounding "Yeah!"
Gathers pumpkins, knives, nose-picking-children and husband.
Draw pictures of what we'll carve. Start digging. (Notice Oliver's very apt tshirt. heh.)
Begin carving...
and carving.
And then:
Oliver: "We're gonna carve the pumpkins, and then they'll turn into CANDY!"
Catching on. It's a gradual process.
You are correct. The Max and Ruby books came from me, via a suggestion by Jess.
Amazon was supposed to put a note in the box but I guess it got lost in the shuffle.
I hope Elsa enjoyed the books! Looks like they were useful at least. :)
Thats Funny! Good thing I'm the first one in the office this morning so everyone else doesn't hear me cracking up at my computer...
I have such a brilliant grandson! Is he disappointed that the pumpkin hasn't turned into candy yet? Or is he still waiting?
I love it!
~ Jennifer
The picture of O peering into the pumpkin is great! Gotta carve tonight- nothing like putting it off til the last minute!
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