Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Elsa, stop coloring on that potato with a crayon and other such foolishness.

And you thought crayon and potato didn't go together in a sentence. Ha.

To continue the foolishness theme:

  • Floppy eared, two toned bunnies. Elsa refused to wear her brown shirt and it turned out Oliver didn't have any brown pants. Such is the life of home-made costumes.
They were much to shy to say Trick-or-treat, but managed to get a few handfuls each before saying it was "too cold" and "scawy." It was all good.

  • Bunk beds, four year old style. They kept telling the rest of us to "be quiet, we're sleeping." Right. Look comfy?

  • And the best kind of foolishness: when you get to make others look foolish.

  • At Amanda's bridal shower the other week. Put the paper on your head and draw the bride in her gown with your crayon. The bride's favorite is the winner! Entertaining to watch.
Heh. With summer gone, we gotta find our entertainment where we can.

Such as prancing on the couch in your skivvies, singing "bare naked, bare naked," and doing the "high jump" off the back of the couch...ahh, or not.

bed time, here we come!

Hope your November is filled with foolishness:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I can't wait to come join the foolishness!