Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Thing:

Thing one: The kids have bunk beds. They take up half the room.
Thing 2: This means the bed reaches all the way to right below the ceiling light fixture.
Thing 3: The ceiling is probably 7 ft high.
Thing 4: They knock into the light fixture when playing...
Thing 5: And now it doesn't work.
Thing 6: So I told them "Too bad, you broke it and have to wait until Dad can fix it till you'll have lights in your room."
Thing 7: They didn't listen. Oliver took out the light bulb...
Thing 8: And whatdayado when something doesn't work? Bonk it on something.
Thing 9: A shattered light bulb spreads Over two bunks and the floor beneath.
Thing 10: Remember how the bed takes up most of the room? That makes it very hard to clean behind. and under. and to change sheets.
Thing 11: Have you ever had to vacuum a top bunk while standing on the ladder, holding the vacuum in one hand and using the hose with the other? It's now a secret talent of mine.
Thing 12: Oh yeah. This was all in the dark.

The thing is: Kids sometimes do REALLY annoying things.


Anonymous said...

how come after you've been "MIA" for awhile, when you do come back, something insane has happened in your house?
~ann b.

Anna said...

I guess it's the goofy things that happen that drive me to vent the irritation:) Other days I think, "I could blog this," but I'm not frustrated enough to do it...

Anonymous said...

oh ! I can remember when my girl was really small she used to do really annoying things. like emptying a bottle of shampoo in the toilet and flush it! (bubbles everywhere) or emptying a full bottle of washing up liquid in her toy box !
Be strong, you are not alone XX