Friday, April 16, 2010

Our newest arrivals

We had a busy day, leaving right after breakfast, picking up Eva, hitting up some garage sales (yay for garage sale season!), running a few errands, the library, groceries, and then, picking up 9 cute fluffy additions to our brood.

I intended to get a bunch of meat birds, but the local fleet was out for the time being. We came home with 2 bantams, 5 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Black Australopes. All but the bantams will be hens, it's a toss up with those what they'll be (a.k.a straight run, meaning they weren't sexed).

The kids are loving them. They would sit and hold them all day if they didn't have to take "naps" and be left alone:)

Getting these chicks came at an opportune time. Last night our dog Sam "ran away" if you get my drift. He had been running/visiting the neighborhood all spring, and nothing we tried seemed to get through to him. Finally, the other day the kids and I went for a walk to a neighbors to check out their baby goats...Sam went nuts. From that and other reports we've gotten about his shenanigans, we had to make the decision to put him down because he was clearly a hazard to any small animals in the neighborhood. It just wasn't worth it. (Not to mention the ticket if the DNR caught him chasing deer) Fortunately the kids are so excited about the chicks, it's helped keep their minds off Sam being gone. They've talked some about him going to puppy heaven, and that "he must have went running in the woods and a reindeer got him." Not sure where the reindeer come in, but sure. They'll miss him, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, bummer about Sam. Too bad he had such a thick scull...
Cute little chicks though.