Saturday, May 8, 2010

A few daily funnies to record for posterity...

At work today, my patient was "sleeping." After trying many tactics to wake her, I finally asked, "are you just not responding to me, or what?"

To which, with her eyes tightly closed she simply stated, "I'm not responding to you."

Guess I had pestered her to much. Maybe I'll tuck that away for when I'm old and use it then too...


Last night, Elsa was insisting on being independent during and after sauna.
... I was paying attention to Oliver when I heard:

"I need a little help over here. I need a little help over here. I need a little help over here."

She had managed to get one arm in the correct hole, and was working on the head; evidently it wasn't going so well...


Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

Funny funnies! ;)

How's your job going?

Lori said...

So cute!