Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring has gone into rewind.

The forecast for Friday: Snow. 80% chance of precipitation.


April was gorgeous. Evidently May is gonna sock it to us.

It's leaving us staring out the window...saying, really?

And, unfortunately, these poor blueberry blossoms may not fare so well. I was thrilled with their number when doing some cleaning in the patch the other day.

And to make matters worse, (in a way) the kids and I went out for a trek in the woods this evening...and found even more blueberry bushes that I didn't know existed. Please snow, don't fall.


Anonymous said...

Your neighbors the Houle's now have bees that I installed last week. That will help pollinate the flowers that survive the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Your neighbors the Houle's now have bees that I installed last week. That will help pollinate the flowers that survive the weekend.
