Saturday, June 6, 2009


How is it that this one little belly can pack away more groceries than her brother and mother combined? It's ridiculous.

Just over a week ago, she was battling a bad ear infection, and it seemed like she just hadn't been happy since then. I was beginning to wonder if some foods were bothering her, she was endlessly "Hungy, hungy HUNGY!!!" Today I've been feeding her every time she's asked (she had double servings of everything for lunch, and since then has had crackers, pears, raisins and right now, goldfish. And it's only 4:00), rather than making her "wait til snack time" or "Sorry, you've gotta wait till supper." Whatdayaknow, this afternoon she's been nothing but smiles.

Oops. Guess it takes lots of groceries to keep that little potbelly happy.

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