Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Make that two nights in a row

Elsa's been completely potty trained during the day for many months, and lately had been doing fine during nap time...I just wasn't brave enough to go the whole night as she was still having a wet diaper in the mornings.

Turns out, she's probably just been lazy. I've worked the last two evenings, so Eric has put the kids to bed. This morning, as well as yesterday, Elsa didn't have a diaper on when I got her out of bed, but has been stone dry. When I asked him why, he looked a little blank and said, "Oh, I didn't? Oops." Oops? Not if she's waking up dry! Cheers to accidentally finding out that *maybe* we're all done with diapers!

I just was emptying my camera and found this. It must have been last night with dad, I guess they were tuckered out!


Another Elsa story.

For those who don't know, my hubby works at the local grocery, J&B Foods a couple days a week to make up for the sawmill being s.l.o.w. His uniform shirts are polos that have their logo on the upper left chest. My kids recognize the symbol; any time they see it (ads, billboards) they inform us "Hey, that says J&B Foods!"

Elsa has decided that any and every logo says J&B Foods. If she puts a shirt on that has a little logo in the corner, she says it's a J&BFoods (she says it as if it's one word) shirt.

This morning, when I asked if I could comb her hair, she started searching. For what? The Conair brand comb...which she now calls "J&BFoods Comb." Go figure.


Anonymous said...

What a goopy kid you have. Fun story though.
And eek on the stove pipe. Good thing you found it!

Anonymous said...

A mature sexual reproductive cell, as a sperm or egg, that unites with another cell to form a new organism.

The entire scale or range: the gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy.
-Dan H

BlueSky said...

Don't worry, she would fit right in at our house, anytime there is an ad on the radio for J&B the little kids are quick to announce that "J&B Foods has good deals for you!" and that no Deans Country Market does not have it all, they don't have cars... dogs... the sky... bikes... etc...

Anna said...

Dan, it took me a minute to realize where I had used that-evidently, must'a been bugging you, it's been there for a while...thanks for the heads up.

Eh, whatever it takes to see who reads this silly thing.