Turns out, she's probably just been lazy. I've worked the last two evenings, so Eric has put the kids to bed. This morning, as well as yesterday, Elsa didn't have a diaper on when I got her out of bed, but has been stone dry. When I asked him why, he looked a little blank and said, "Oh, I didn't? Oops." Oops? Not if she's waking up dry! Cheers to accidentally finding out that *maybe* we're all done with diapers!

Another Elsa story.
For those who don't know, my hubby works at the local grocery, J&B Foods a couple days a week to make up for the sawmill being s.l.o.w. His uniform shirts are polos that have their logo on the upper left chest. My kids recognize the symbol; any time they see it (ads, billboards) they inform us "Hey, that says J&B Foods!"
Elsa has decided that any and every logo says J&B Foods. If she puts a shirt on that has a little logo in the corner, she says it's a J&BFoods (she says it as if it's one word) shirt.
This morning, when I asked if I could comb her hair, she started searching. For what? The Conair brand comb...which she now calls "J&BFoods Comb." Go figure.
What a goopy kid you have. Fun story though.
And eek on the stove pipe. Good thing you found it!
A mature sexual reproductive cell, as a sperm or egg, that unites with another cell to form a new organism.
The entire scale or range: the gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy.
-Dan H
Don't worry, she would fit right in at our house, anytime there is an ad on the radio for J&B the little kids are quick to announce that "J&B Foods has good deals for you!" and that no Deans Country Market does not have it all, they don't have cars... dogs... the sky... bikes... etc...
Dan, it took me a minute to realize where I had used that-evidently, incorrectly...it must'a been bugging you, it's been there for a while...thanks for the heads up.
Eh, whatever it takes to see who reads this silly thing.
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