Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Change is in the air around here. We're hoping/planning on getting a start on a house this spring and summer, so yesterday, Eric took the bull by the horns and started clearing some trees and brush. Maybe I should say he took the stump by the chain...

Clearing space

Watching in suspense
(note another improvement in Elsa's hair (and Oliver's, but it's under the hat.) They both got cuts the other night, and are looking quite spiffy.)

Pulling stumps...

And he had to call in the big guns. Oliver told Eric "I think you'd better go get the Moline" when the Allis Chalmers was struggling. Wouldn't this have been a great picture of a boy and his tractor watching his dad with his tractor? If only the dog wouldn't have gotten in my way.

And then, the really big guns.

Progress. It's a good thing.