Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let me just say...

"I'm gonna be like you, Dad, you know I'm gonna be like you."
(Quick, name that tune.)

If you arrive at work kinda crabby, and proceed to expect everything and everyone to fall into place around you, it just ain't gonna happen. Work today was, ug. I felt like telling a few people to lighten up. But I didn't.

Fortunately, the two monkeys of mine are getting cheerier by the minute. A little oatmeal in their tummy seems to have gone a long way, thank goodness...I was starting to think I had an aura around me that said "Anna's tired, be crabby around her today."

The brightest spot of the day so far was the $29 fix for the Jeep's shaking problem. I was certain there was a broken-something-expensive...but a rotation and alignment was all that was found to fix.

My hour long drive to and from work was made even longer by the lack of radio in the borrowed car. 6 am is even earlier when there's no distraction.

Now, tummies are full, half the dishes are washed, the sun is shining, and a walk and watering some new garden plants are in store.

Let me just say, the day (! it's 7:00 already! Ack!) is lookin' up.

Incidentally, that picture is from last night. Like Oliver's choice of headgear to ward off the mosquitoes?


Jan said...

yep, I have had that "aura" problem!!!!

Lori said...

Cat's in the cradle!!! Great song...

Love the picture too:)