Monday, July 19, 2010

Whata day

After thoroughly enjoying the Sunday School Picnic yesterday, today actually felt quite productive. At this point (supposedly less than a month left!) any productive day is really quite enjoyable!

Made fresh muffins for breakfast, blueberry, of course.
Liz and Mom arrived, and we went picking at the neighbors, since our patch has been picked over. Another 2 quarts acquired for me despite the incessant bugs and drizzling rain. Must say my picking speed is slowing with the growing belly...
Even fit in a quick nap after lunch before the hubby left for work.
Then weedwacked, yes, weedwacked two rows in the garden. The weeds in a few places have gotten *ahem*, a little out of control. Worked wonderfully, as I only had to pull the weeds close to the plants, and Eric will be able to till in the roots tomorrow. Spent over 2 hours doing tally: a heaping, and I mean HEAPING wheelbarrow load of weeds. I can hear my onions singing in joy at the weeds demise.
It really deserved a picture. Too bad I didn't take one.
While I was weeding, the kids (for once!) did an excellent job keeping themselves entertained, and it was quite peaceful. The weather had cleared up and the evening was gorgeous.
New potatoes and fresh scrambled eggs for supper. Easy-peasy.
A very short walk to satisfy the kids, then into the tub and ice cream cones for snack.

A day well spent.

Now I'm exhausted. Anyone want to fold my laundry and wash the dishes?

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