Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I did make it home

I haven't made it on here since far as anyone knows, according to this, I'm still stuck in Perham. I bet I'd be really crabby if that was true. Actually, I did make it home on Monday at about noon. The roads were wonderfully cleared..until I hit the gravel roads a few miles from home-no plow in sight on these until late that day. Once again, I was happy for the four wheel drive Jeep!

Our yard still isn't plowed'll be nice when Eric gets the payloader ready for plowing. eta:The plowing guy just arrived!! Yay!


The other day, I came upon Oliver inspecting his belly-
O: Mom, where'd it go?
M:Where'd what go?
O: Where'd IT go, Mom? Where'd it go? Rubbing fingers on tummy.
M: What? Your belly?
O: Where'd the TICKLE go, mom??
Sorry bud, can't tickle yourself!


To add to our wonderful week of weather related stuff, Monday night the power went out for 1 1/2 hours. It was about -20. Not my idea of a good time. In this wonderful house, I could feel the cold seeping in. We do have wood heat, but of course the blower on the furnace requires juice. I spent the time wrapped in a blanket with a cup of tea and knitting by lamp light.


Jan said...

I am glad you made it home!!!
how did you like the homemade laundry soap? I haven't made any lately. I should. I felt it helped the girls' exzcema issues last winter.

Trina said...

LOVE the story of Oliver's tummy losing it's tickle...made me laugh out loud, good thing I'm the only one here right now.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Glad you made it home finally! It was bad out there. We didn't even go to the Sunday school program practice because it looked so bad. Bummer that you had to be out in it!

There's another storm coming in on Saturday. I hope you don't have to be out in that one!

I was chuckling at Oliver trying to tickle himself. :)