Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Six Things...

We went for a walk this evening, it was beautiful out, and the sunset worth watching. I never got around to buying a double stroller, but the kids don't seem to mind this method. Maybe they're warmer this way. heehee.

Jen tagged me to put six things about myself that you might not goes:
  1. I hate using cheese graters. I'm always scared I'm going to grate my knuckles, and yesterday, I did. Ouch.
  2. I enjoy the site On it you can enter the artist, song or type of music you want to listen to, and it plays similar songs. Lately, it's been all Christmas songs around here! A free way to enjoy great music.
  3. I just got a batch of Young Living Essential Oils, and am excited to start using them. So far around here, they've gotten rid of skin rashes, dandruff and helped constipation...
  4. This was the first fall that I didn't go back to school since I started kindergarten. I must say, I really enjoyed it and look forward to many more!
  5. I ran Grandma's Marathon once, and plan on running more...the problem is, both times I started thinking about training for one, I ended up pregnant.
  6. My nose is still wrinkled about the toilet water thing. They seem no worse for it, however.
There you have it. Six things about me. And now I have no secrets left.

Would you look at that, Oliver just fell asleep on the couch for the first time ever. And Elsa's sleeping too. Looks like a nice, quiet evening in store. GRIN. Maybe I'll go make more of this yummy mulled apple cider.


Sarah said...

Hi, Anna! Just discovered your blog and I'm enjoying reading it. Your kids are adorable! Sounds like they keep life entertaining. : )

Cheryl said...

Which oils cured dandruff?

Anna said...

Sarah-Hi! Thanks for stopping in! I've been to yours and it's great fun to read!

Cheryl-Lavender. Mixed about 50/50 with a mixing oil. It's not completely gone, but drastically reduced:)

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I don't like graters either. Haha! Every time I pull it out, I'm scared of knicking my fingers. (I've done that a time or two!)

Anonymous said...

i'm jealous about the mulled cider. it was good!