- The count is down to three days. Fortunately the kids are young enough that they aren't pestering about how much longer.
- Still a present or two to find...but nothing to serious.
- And wrapping.
- And a little cooking.
- I finally got Christmas cards on Saturday. Filled out, handed out and mailed almost all of them by yesterday. How's that for quick turn around?
- The new job is awesome. Back again this evening and tomorrow, then off for a long weekend. My schedule for the next bit while orientating pretty much ROCKS, with lots of four day weekends.
- The kids are playing church. They've got babies, are sitting in their booster seats lined up on the floor and singing slow, made up, Jesus loves me like songs. Then I hear "there's three more songs. We're at Runeburg." :)
- Just found out there's a 90% chance of snow for Christmas Eve and day. Ah well, it'll be pretty.
- Two of my brothers are in the state! They'll be home in a few hours.
And the funny of the day:
Oliver to Elsa: "Get your finger outa Dad's nose. You're gonna wreck it!"
hmmm, was Oliver worried about the finger or the nose...
hahah - I was coming on to ask exactly what Andrea did!
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