Thursday, February 11, 2010


The thermometer has been getting a work out around here the last few days. This morning the water in the kitchen pipes was half frozen and slushy when it came out, meaning it had to be more than -10 last night. This afternoon was a balmy 25 or so out there. The sun has some warmth to it...winter will still be here for a while, but one can smell spring somewhere out there.

I passed my ACLS class today with flying colors. It's satisfying to have that done and checked off the list. I put quite a bit of time studying for it last week, and wasn't really sure what to expect.
Now I'm off until Monday, and have a lunchtime Valentine's Day party to look forward to tomorrow. A friend is having ladies and younger than school-aged kids over to decorate cookies and such.

Now, today:

Last weekend's snow gave Eric a chance to play with his pay-loader...and make a big pile for playing on. Here's Elsa, working her way up. It's so steep that every step she took slid back half way.

Despite that, they persevered.

Savoring a moment at the top

Gathering gumption.


To the bottom...
and up again.

Despite the dishes teetering mile high and laundry to my elbows, life is good.


spi said...

That reminds me of the evenings when we would spend the whole evening playing outside in the snow. It was great back when the snow used to be so deep!

Anna said...

I was thinking about that this evening as well. This pile is pretty darn big, even I can slide down it...I wonder just how huge it seems to them. They'll remember it as being as tall as the trees, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures of the outing. Looks like fun! I agree that that pile will probably grow ten feet in their minds :)

Anonymous said...

I find it kind of weird how the snow no longer comes to my waste, like I remember.


Anonymous said...

yooohoo! Anyone home??!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the passing....of your class, not gas, of which i prefer to know nothing about.
~ann b.