I thought if March came in like a lion, it wasn't aloud to go out like one too. Humph.
Snow, pukes and runs. Lets hope they all end soon.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
We're a little 'goopy,' how 'bout you?
I haven't had a whole lot of blogging inspiration lately, so I guess that leaves me with some tidbits:
- Over the last week, three of the four roads to get to our house have been completely flooded. We've been thisclose to being flooded in. That woulda been a new excuse for a mini-stay-at-home-vacation...
In other words, it's kinda muddy. So I got these. Purple mud boots. They make me smile. (and splash right through the puddles with the best of the three year olds.)
- Friday the hubby and I were able to go on a date. Enjoyable. I highly recommend one (a date, I mean.) Preferably more often than the once-a-year that we seem to make it.
After a LONG time of working on this machine in his spare time, the hubby finally drove it home and put it to work last week. Unfortunately...
This was the result after the second or third use. Oops. New radiator hose is in order...
- This brings me to a thought: I've yet to share any sawmill pictures and whatnot on here. Look for a post about that in the near future.
- We finally got a few (but only a few) logs delivered for that sawmill for the first time since December. Yay!
- The recent melting-although it hasn't been all that warm-has me itching for spring to really arrive so we can get to work on a new garden spot, cleaning up the blueberry patch, and many other outdoor things.
- Unfortunately, more snow may be on the way...the story of our life here in MN.
- Some of my rellies are in town this week, which usually makes for some enjoyable visiting!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
To keep you humble
That must be the reason for mornings like this. Those mornings when it takes rewarming your coffee two or three times in order to finish one cup...and even then, it's luke-warm again. Those mornings when whining is in overdrive, picking on eachother is on high speed and all around snarliness is the mood of the day. Those days that make me sure I'm successfully raising the brattiest kids on the planet.
These kids can go for days with only spurts of rough patches, then right about the time I have the nerve to think I might be doing something right, they just plain let loose.
So, here we are. Being humbled.
These kids can go for days with only spurts of rough patches, then right about the time I have the nerve to think I might be doing something right, they just plain let loose.
So, here we are. Being humbled.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Floods to rival the records.
While at our house we were enjoying a newly uncovered sandbox (or sandbucket, as Oliver calls it), the quick melt that has hit the area is not looking good for others. It's amazing how a community pulls together when something like this comes up-the Fargo-Moorehead area is sandbagging around the clock. While you feel for those dealing with an impending disaster, one can't help but say "whew, glad we live over here."
In other random area news, my alma-matter's boy's basketball team made it to the state tournament for the first time in school history. Kinda exciting for a small town school!
Other than those tid-bits, there's nothing but gray skies and rain. It must be putting a fog on my brain, because I'm completely uninspired. Stay dry!
In other random area news, my alma-matter's boy's basketball team made it to the state tournament for the first time in school history. Kinda exciting for a small town school!
Other than those tid-bits, there's nothing but gray skies and rain. It must be putting a fog on my brain, because I'm completely uninspired. Stay dry!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
New York Post headline today: Not So Fast You Greedy Bastards (in regards to the AIG bonuses, of course)
That just made my day. heh.

In other less depressing news, spring is springing, and we're all thrilled. Even if that does mean we end up with at least 12 sopping wet boots by the end of each day. Even if with it comes approximately a foot of mud-or more-in some places in our yard.

I made the caramel rolls I've been craving for weeks yesterday-yum! Good thing they turned out, because after all the 'help' from this ragamuffin and her brother, I needed a treat! Patience my friend, is a virtue...which might run thin every now and then.
That just made my day. heh.

In other less depressing news, spring is springing, and we're all thrilled. Even if that does mean we end up with at least 12 sopping wet boots by the end of each day. Even if with it comes approximately a foot of mud-or more-in some places in our yard.

I made the caramel rolls I've been craving for weeks yesterday-yum! Good thing they turned out, because after all the 'help' from this ragamuffin and her brother, I needed a treat! Patience my friend, is a virtue...which might run thin every now and then.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm utterly amazed.
By two things. 1) I learned something useful from a TV show, and 2) The difference in our dog.
Elsa with Sam, a few days after we got him. He had just fallen off the dock into the water, hence the dejected look. P.S. He's lots bigger now.

Ever watched the show The Dog Whisperer? I randomly landed on it the other day while at work, and watched for a bit. I don't suppose it'd be incredibly interesting, other than the fact that our pooch has been in need of some training. So, since I liked the guy's style (treating the dog like a dog, not like a child) and that the system seemed to work consistently I took what I could from the show.
Having grown up with dogs that were trained by siblings at 4-H dog training, I got to enjoy well behaved dogs, but never put the time into training -or learned how to train- them myself. Our dog's been in need of a change, if he was gonna last around here.
Today, I gave the basics a try. Now, Sam is not out of control like some, just hyper and in need of learning how to listen. For example, he loves licking Elsa's face every moment he can, no matter what; he loves trying to grab gloves off your hands (and usually gets the hand too...). You know, those annoying things.
The basic premise of the Dog Whisperer is to teach the dog who's the dominant one in the pack. The first way to do this is by attaching a lead, and making them follow you; never letting them lead. Warning, eat your Wheaties if you're gonna give it a try. Boy, did I get an arm workout. Sam bounced around,twisted this way and that, tried everything he could to get away. I didn't scold or yell, just kept giving the lead (actually, a piece of rope...I picked up a leash today. High tech around here..) a firm yank. The whole time, you walk along, making him follow; keep your head up, look (and feel, the aura you give matters) important. Sounds so simple, doesn't it?
It worked. After about 5-10 minutes of fighting, he gave in and followed. His ears went back (a sign of submissiveness and listening,) and he got all attentive on me, and nothing else. It was amazing.
Just a minute ago, I was in the porch and stopped to pet him. Usually if I sit down, he immediately puts his nose in my face and gets all hyper. Tonight? Sam came over, calmly laid his head on my leg and let me pet him. Wow.
I know it'll take consistency and more training to get rid of all the bad habits, but I'm ecstatic at the progress in just one 20 minute session.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A foot of Snow.
Okay, let's look on the bright side. Literally. It's bright out there. Clean. Fresh. Pretty...if you can get past the fact that there's more snow.
Another bright side, I got to sleep in and come to work at my leisure; waiting for most of the roads to get plowed.
On the other hand, anytime I leave after the kiddo's are awake, I'm bound to forget at least a few things. There.is.no.peace. The whole time, they're both concerned about getting their hugs and kisses before I go. Today? Good thing there's lots of gas in the Jeep, since I have no purse. And the salad I brought for lunch will be a little dry without dressing.

Another bright side, I got to sleep in and come to work at my leisure; waiting for most of the roads to get plowed.
On the other hand, anytime I leave after the kiddo's are awake, I'm bound to forget at least a few things. There.is.no.peace. The whole time, they're both concerned about getting their hugs and kisses before I go. Today? Good thing there's lots of gas in the Jeep, since I have no purse. And the salad I brought for lunch will be a little dry without dressing.

Such is life. Anyone else ready for lilacs?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Good thing I went to Duluth, cuz there's a blizzard on the way
If we hadn't gone, I think tomorrow would see me headed for the crazy farm! A March blizzard. Yuck.
The weekend was a treat. Two whole days of adult conversation. Many trips in and out of the car, and I only had to buckle myself in. Eating whole meals without getting up from the table. A hot tub. The only whiny voice being the weird lady at the one bridal store, telling me "It's okay." over and over as I was trying to hand her a broken dress I found. Um, so do you want this thing, or not??
The shopping was very successful-Katrina found a beautiful dress, we chose patterns and material and are going to have our bridesmaid's dresses made. It'll save us about 50% of what we would have paid for the same general thing at the bridal store! I also found some pretty good deals on a little revamp of my 'professional wear' for all those interviews I plan on having in the near future...as well as some other treats for myself and the hubby. It was good.
We bumped into a cousin of ours while wandering the mall, so it was an unexpected treat to go visit her family for supper on Saturday. Ever seen a dog running on a treadmill? I now can say that I have. heh.
The weekend was a treat. Two whole days of adult conversation. Many trips in and out of the car, and I only had to buckle myself in. Eating whole meals without getting up from the table. A hot tub. The only whiny voice being the weird lady at the one bridal store, telling me "It's okay." over and over as I was trying to hand her a broken dress I found. Um, so do you want this thing, or not??
The shopping was very successful-Katrina found a beautiful dress, we chose patterns and material and are going to have our bridesmaid's dresses made. It'll save us about 50% of what we would have paid for the same general thing at the bridal store! I also found some pretty good deals on a little revamp of my 'professional wear' for all those interviews I plan on having in the near future...as well as some other treats for myself and the hubby. It was good.
We bumped into a cousin of ours while wandering the mall, so it was an unexpected treat to go visit her family for supper on Saturday. Ever seen a dog running on a treadmill? I now can say that I have. heh.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ahh. I feel human again. This week has been a little-okay, I admit it, a lot-exasperating around here. The terrible twos? Frankly, they've got nuttin' on the sassy threes. And teething is just plain for the birds. Ug.
It's amazing what a little walk followed by coffee with a couple friends can do for a person. Even if the coffee is only gourmet Mc-java. We seriously need a real restaurant open later around here. This morning, in spite of a little lack of sleep, I don't feel like the rope I was clinging to so desperately is gonna ravel right out of my fingers.
This morning, I woke with a renewed sense of calmness, and the two cherubs have been much more pleasant. Ahh.
And that weekend trip to Duluth is only a day away. I just might survive until spring!
It's amazing what a little walk followed by coffee with a couple friends can do for a person. Even if the coffee is only gourmet Mc-java. We seriously need a real restaurant open later around here. This morning, in spite of a little lack of sleep, I don't feel like the rope I was clinging to so desperately is gonna ravel right out of my fingers.
This morning, I woke with a renewed sense of calmness, and the two cherubs have been much more pleasant. Ahh.
And that weekend trip to Duluth is only a day away. I just might survive until spring!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Job, shcmob
You know what I absolutely hate? Job searching. I've picked up this ball again over the last few days, and still detest it.
The job I'm working right now as a Private Duty Nurse has pretty much run it's course for me. On the one had, it's decent income, and pretty much stress-free. (and in these economic times, simply, a job) On the other, my brain is turning to mush. I have a burning need to learn, to expand my boundaries. To do. (I'm at work as I type this. Does that tell you anything about the low activity level??)
I hate applications and resumes. I know they need some way to see your qualifications, but as a relatively new nurse, I just don't really have a whole heck of a lot to put down on paper. Saying that 'I'm eager to learn and grow' just can't compete with 10 years experience. So I always feel like I'm sold a little short when I click the 'submit' button...and start the waiting game...
Another thing I dislike? Interviews. They make my heart go into palpitations. But, I'm ready for change. Change is good.
May one of those recently submitted apps find its way to the top of a pile;)
So, this leads me to a question for you-What do you look for in a nurse? Do you have stories to share from your own personal experiences? What makes a 'good' nurse versus a 'bad' nurse? I'm curious, and always enjoy filing away these little tidbits for future use!
P.S. I love to hear comments, if you don't have an account, you can still comment as 'anonymous.' Just sign your post, please, so I know who's there!
The job I'm working right now as a Private Duty Nurse has pretty much run it's course for me. On the one had, it's decent income, and pretty much stress-free. (and in these economic times, simply, a job) On the other, my brain is turning to mush. I have a burning need to learn, to expand my boundaries. To do. (I'm at work as I type this. Does that tell you anything about the low activity level??)
I hate applications and resumes. I know they need some way to see your qualifications, but as a relatively new nurse, I just don't really have a whole heck of a lot to put down on paper. Saying that 'I'm eager to learn and grow' just can't compete with 10 years experience. So I always feel like I'm sold a little short when I click the 'submit' button...and start the waiting game...
Another thing I dislike? Interviews. They make my heart go into palpitations. But, I'm ready for change. Change is good.
May one of those recently submitted apps find its way to the top of a pile;)
So, this leads me to a question for you-What do you look for in a nurse? Do you have stories to share from your own personal experiences? What makes a 'good' nurse versus a 'bad' nurse? I'm curious, and always enjoy filing away these little tidbits for future use!
P.S. I love to hear comments, if you don't have an account, you can still comment as 'anonymous.' Just sign your post, please, so I know who's there!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A Christmas Tree in March
A Christmas Tree in March. A Christmas Tree in March. I love it. Know why?
If I ever feel a little behind, from now on I can console myself that I don't have a Christmas tree up in March.
I'm a little uninspired, so here ya go:
If I ever feel a little behind, from now on I can console myself that I don't have a Christmas tree up in March.

- All you children's book readers: Check out Mo Willems. Oliver got a few from a thoughtful Unc for his birthday, and they're a nice change, written in a fun style, and silly. Titles include "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and "There's a Bird On Your Head." A bonus for tired readers: Few words per page! *That's what he's inspecting in this picture*
- That birthday boy's two week long birthday might finally be over...He enjoyed it thoroughly.
- After finishing those children's books, check out James Patterson's "4th of July" if you're looking for a good read.
- For any locals: the grocery store in PR is having a blowout sale this week-starting Sunday with 10% and increasing to 20% off STORE WIDE as they prepare to move to their new premises. Get out and take advantage! (Since I know you're all tightwads, like me~heh) Oh, and they will be closed for the beginning of next week...
- The past week held warmth and puddles, cold and snow, extra work shifts (nights, ug) and all around busyness.
- But this week promises to be better, number one reason: no extra work shifts, but even better:
- A kid-free, dress-and-other shopping weekend with my newly engaged sister and others! Yahoo!
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