Thursday, March 26, 2009

To keep you humble

That must be the reason for mornings like this. Those mornings when it takes rewarming your coffee two or three times in order to finish one cup...and even then, it's luke-warm again. Those mornings when whining is in overdrive, picking on eachother is on high speed and all around snarliness is the mood of the day. Those days that make me sure I'm successfully raising the brattiest kids on the planet.

These kids can go for days with only spurts of rough patches, then right about the time I have the nerve to think I might be doing something right, they just plain let loose.

So, here we are. Being humbled.


Anonymous said...

they always manage to burst our self-congratulatory bubble, hey? especially when we lose it and snarl right back at them. sigh.
~ann b.

Jan said...

I think it is the weather. That is what I am blaming it on, anyways.

joan j said...

Ah, crap. I hate days like that. Hope tomorrow is better!