Friday, February 20, 2009

11:01 and we're still going strong...

Unusual. But, so far, not bad.
  • Ever been told, in the most calm of voices, with a finger raised in the air, "just be patient, just hold on" by a almost-three-year-old? I have. Many times in the last day. I still try not to laugh.
  • That almost-three-year-old was well loved at birthday party number one last night. One more tomorrow.
  • When asked what kind cake he wanted, he said 'pink.' His great-grandma delivered. Pink, it was.
  • Andrea babysat for me this evening. I guess my kids don't really like pigs.
  • Did I ever tell you the cat's name is Thelma?*credit to Joan* And that she's earned her keep once so far, by catching a mouse?
  • My 16 month old can jump. Both feet, all the way off the floor. She also likes to jump off the couch.
  • Off to investigate the banging in the bedroom. Maybe bedtime will come...before tomorrow.
Sweet dreams!


Anonymous said...

did you sleep yet?
~ann b.

Megan said...

My three year old Jenna will tell me just a minute and hold up that little finger. I find myself chuckling when I hear her tell that to her brother. :) They sure are funny sometimes!

Anna said...

We finally decided to take a drive, simply because we (both having worked rather than naps) were to tired to fight with bedtime. Off we went, successfully putting one out and the other much calmed down...arriving back at 11:59. Just in time to hit the sack before getting to far into the next day:)

joan j said...

I was wondering what you named that cat! :) Very nice ring to that name, hey?! I like what you did in your kitchen, little things make a huge diffrence. Now for the snow to melt and the kids to play outside and the rest of your house will feel big too! :)