Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday's Very Random Bullets

  • The roads this morning-they were icy nasty.
  • And yesterday? They were slushy nasty. Eric got stuck just down the road.
  • Two tag-alongs makes for interesting ditch rescue.
  • The older enjoyed it, cuz a tractor was involved.
  • The younger just tolerated.
  • They both were dripping, actually dripping, when they came in.
  • That's odd for February in Minnesota.
  • Whatdaya think of that mom of octuplets in CA?
  • She thinks she can take care of them all by herself.
  • Huh. I like sleep to much to think that.
  • There's a V-day party in this neck of the woods Friday.
  • The hubby has to work. Imagine that.
  • Might hit it up myself. How fitting for the holiday.
  • There's a Jodi Picoult book on the arm of my chair-
  • Hopefully its as good as some others of hers
  • Now, to spend the morning reading! (one thing I do like about my job. heh.)
Hope your morning is as peaceful as mine looks to be-


Sarah said...

I haven't read any of Jodi Picoult's books, but I've heard so many people talk about them that I went to our library's online cataloug to see if they had any since I'm thinking I could use a good book right about now. And, yep, they carry quite a few. But there's a pretty good wait on every single one of them. Doesn't help when I want a good book now!! : ) Happy reading and keep on enjoying your peaceful morning!

Anonymous said...

pick me up for the party. my hubby likely won't be home 'til late. and he works Saturday. very typical holiday around here.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I'm 'interested' to see how this mother plans to care for them all by herself, too! (I'm trying to see how that's even possible.) Mark and I caught an interview clip with her, online.