Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to Tuesday

We just rediscovered play-dough. (Thanks, Mom!) That is a good thing. He's going on about an hour...this creates much peace amongst the rest of us.

I just put the younger down for a nap...with a bottle in one hand (trying to wean that) and an empty milk jug in the other. I decided taking it away wasn't worth the fit she'd throw.

So now, we're finally settling in for the day. The morning was a little...well, I'll call it rough.

Now, to do the laundry, round up some lunch and get everything ready to take to the accountant tomorrow. (read: sort through receipts and invoices and enter 'em in the book...Should be fun!) Nothing like last minute, right?

And to stay warm, cuz baby, it's cold (again!) outside.

4:30 and he's still going strong with the play-dough. Ate lunch on the job, and took a short break to go outside with dad. I am lovin' this stuff!

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