Monday, February 9, 2009

A few warm fuzzies to end the day

This sweet little boy I know just informed me "you not a mean mom, you a nice mom." "Oh, really?" I asked. "Yeah. Give me five!" he responded, "and a hug and a kiss!"

This started with a discussion of which tape he wanted to listen to: Cinderella or Robin Hood. That led to the telling of his version of Cinderella: "and den, and den, an den she fell down down the steps, and she had a mean mom..."

Even before that, we were waddling like ducks and singing "a boy song," and "a grandpa song" and "a cow song" (kinda taxed my song-making skills, but they didn't mind if they made sense.)

Now isn't that just the best way to end a day?


Cheryl said...

That's so cute! That would've given me the warm fuzzies as well.

Sarah said...

A perfect end to the day! : )

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

So cute! I love the 'and den and den..'