Thursday, February 19, 2009

Well, I finally got around to catching a moment when my new counter was relatively clean, so I can share a couple quick pictures with you!

This is the kinda rough, but very functional counter we added. The fridge used to stand where Oliver is in here, making those upper cupboards basically unusable. This arrangement makes the walking space wider and gives the freezer, recycling and potato bins a place to be, out of the way. I'm standing in the rest of the kitchen, by the sink and stove to take this picture. The whole kitchen area is probably about 8x3ft, and the dining area is just large enough for the table, chairs and benches. (I would show you pictures, but it might be *ahem, cough* a little messier, heh.)Putting the fridge in the corner takes it out of the way.

The change was relatively simple, and well worth the effort!


Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

Fun to change things up! Looks great.

Jan said...

Amazing how rethinking things like that can make such a difference!

Beth H said...

This turned out really well! Oliver is sure getting big... I don't think I've seen him for a while.

Anonymous said...

It's looks great. It's always nice to gain a bit more space in the kitchen!

Anonymous said...

Its nice to have a functional kitchen!! New counter fits in there great!

Anna said...

Thanks, all for the comments-it has been very useful, and I only wish I would have thought of it sooner!