Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yesterday, standing in my kitchen, I had this wonderfully good idea. It involves more counter space, and that alone makes me all a-quiver with happiness. The total counter space I have right now is somewhere around 5 feet, and only about a foot and a half actually gets used for cooking and baking. The rest has cupboards directly above it, making it impossible to even use a hand mixer in a bowl over there.

So, I ran the plan by the husband unit, who would end up doing lots of it, and he thought it just might work. And, we'd pretty much have the materials for it. Handy thing, to have a sawmill out in your yard. Oh, it's nothing to drastic, only a little rearranging and a little building, since I don't feel like putting to much into a house I detest. But...boy would it make a difference.

I'm keeping the fingers crossed that even as soon as this weekend, I might get to make some changes!

Oh, and total Oliver/playdough time topped out at about 7 hours. He only took a break to go cut wood outside with his dad. Incredible. Who knew he had the attention span?


Cheryl said...

You definately have limited space, you'll have to post pictures of the finished product!

joan j said...

That sounds like fun! Handy to have a handy hubby! Just so you know, the writing is really hard to read on your posts. Maybe white would be better? (I'm SURE it doesn't have anything to do with my antique computer!)

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Good luck with the counter! That will feel like such a treat.

My kids love Play-doh, too! It keeps them entertained for hours at a time. I love it! (Especially now that they're old enough to clean up most of the mess on their own.)