Sunday, February 1, 2009

He's a smartie

Coming home from church, driving down our still bumpy road, Oliver informed me "it be really bumpy, need to pick it up." "Huh??" I asked, and very know-it-all-like, he informed me: "need to pick up the rocks, so it not be bumpy." Heh. Sounds like work to me.


In other news, we acquired a kitty today. My mother-in-law found it outside her work a few days ago, half starved, with frost bitten toes. (I'm also wondering if those really pink ears might have been a little too, as well as a spot on her nose. Poor thing.) She's been at Eric's grandma's, and today we brought her home. So far she hasn't done much other than eat, hide/sleep and purr. I really debated weather I wanted an indoor cat, but I was over-ruled; the kids love animals, and Eric thought it'd be alright. I decided she'd be alright since she's already housebroke, and seems to be very friendly and kid loving. Hopefully once she's healed up, she'll be indoor/outdoor...(emphasis on the outdoor.) Oh, and that mouse Eric saw in our room this morning was the clincher.

Now she just needs a name. Oliver's suggestions include "Two"(?) and "Cat." Anyone got a good one? She's all white with the gray on her forehead and the tip of her tail. One eye is half blue half green and the other is green.

We enjoyed a beautiful day yesterday, but the winds of change are upon us, and me thinks the cold is coming back-boo.

Have a relaxing Sunday!


Jan said...

Snowball. or KiKi, is what the twins call their stuffed cats- as it kitty kitty.

Ev said...

Tom's suggestion is Sasha. Mine is Frostbite.

Jan said...

another one - Weasel. She looks more like a weasel than a snowball.

joan j said...


Pete/Heidi said...

I might have to snitch one of the left names when we get (yet, another) cat this spring... Perhaps, (Snow)Angel.