Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ewsa-sa-sa Mawie! Come push me!

Says Oliver, as he sits upon his tractor.

From one extreme to the other. Fighting to conspiring on mischef, then back again. That's our days around here. Kinda like our weather. One day, it makes you smile, you think spring is in sight; then you wake up to snow falling and more subzeros in the forecast. I guess both keep life interesting. Or its just that way to drive a person bonkers. Not sure which.

A sight from the other day:
Me? I was lazy. I uttered these words:
"Hey Oliver, You should change Elsa's diaper."
So he did. And she cooperated.
Almost. He got it off, then she ran away...


Anonymous said...

thats kids for you. at least he tried. are you enjoying the snow
today thurs. boy sure wish the
weather would make up its mind.

Anonymous said...

your kids are soo cute!! they make me wonder if my kids will be like that?? except they are too close together.. maybe they will change each others diapers?? Yeah right!! One can wish right??!!